Stuff About Tip Top Fitness....

kidsBy Rod Raymond

I have been in the business of helping others achieve optimal fitness for over 20 years.

I have learned that those who have been able to maintain tip top fitness year over year have the following traits:

1. Like kids, they are playful.

I remember running intervals when playing tag with my brother. I remember biking the hills hard up Swan Lake road when my cousins were trying to ditch me. I remember doing hypoxic breathing techniques with my friend Jim when we were looking for hockey pucks on the bottom of the local hotel pool we always snuck into. I remember working my flexibility trying to get into my buddy Bobby's snow fort. I remember running 1/2 mile repeats after beaning cars with eggs off of Central Entrance. Man, those were fun times! And, all of us kids were all super ripped. Note of confession: Sadly, Stevey got caught by a faster UMD football player who wasn't happy we egg'd his car.

2. They exercise from the heart.

The same cells that are found in the brain also make up portions of the heart. In other words, your heart can think. Many athletes get caught up in the marketing side of endurance sports. They buy all the training gadgets, heart rate monitors, watt meters for their bikes, and follow... strict training plans. They train only using their head. The head thinks quickly, doesn't have any feeling and can be wrong. On the other hand, the heart comes from absolute wisdom, exhibits complete compassion and is never wrong. After all, is love for self and others ever wrong? We have all heard to "listen to your body" ...try listening to your heart. Your body will love you for it.

3. They do not need to buy speed.

Beyond a shadow of a doubt you can buy speed. Hell, an aero helmet can save you like 2' in 40km. Like other seasoned athletes I need comfort and I want to perform my best. However, no matter how much I spend on the latest equipment or speed enhancing gadget, I can't buy fitness. This comes at a cost that far exceeds carbon fiber.happy runners

4. They don't go about it alone.

A day doesn't go by that I don't snd or receive a text from a friend to go for a run, ride, swim or hike. While endurance racing is an individual sport, we need hang time w/ the brathahood and/or sistahood. If you want to be tip top fitness for the rest of your life, join a club (yes, you need to spend money...don't be a cheapskate!) or get your buddies together (you still need to spend money on dees equipment, so you're not always breaking down and draining the group vibe).

5. They sign up.

You need to sign up for a race or other challenge. While there are a few exemplars who are able to run intervals on their own, go for long slow rides on their own, or do yoga to Rodney Yee in their living room by themselves, it is rare. However, those who are involved in the community races, are training to hike the Grand Canyon, or are planning a righteous paddle in the BWCAW, these are the ones who are tip top fitness. If you are tough, and love the Duluth racing scene, sign up for our four races*

6. They have fun.

A little bit different then being playful, those who have maintained tip top fitness for many years, always seem to have fun. They don't go out on a run because they want to beat someone else. They go out because they love to run. They do their best, and may even run hard that day. Because the only expectation they have is to have a bit of fun, they are NEVER disappointed

7. They party.

Hey come on, life is meant for living. If you train all the time and never party it up a bit, you are going to be a dud and life will pass you by.

8. They understand that the pain in their back is not due to low Ibuprofen in their diet.

The tip top fitness freaks have amazing body awareness. They are super irritating to sit next to in long business meetings. Why? They are always stretching while others are trying to talk.They never stop squirmin' to find that perfect fit in their chair, and they stand up frequently to keep the chi flowin'. They know that the pain in their body can be alleviated without Aleve!

rod9.They know how to absorb

The super fit value rest more than the workout. It usually hits them after age 50, but their a few gifted that understand that every hard day requires a day and a half (or more) of easy. They know that if they are being a crab ass, can't sleep, eat only crap food, have an achy body and are injured, they are overtrained. Bottom line, if you don't allow your body to recover, your're training with your head and not your heart. In the monistic way of lliving (mind/body/spirit are all one w/ the universe) your body will simply shut down and you will be hurt, depressed and missing out on the fun and playful piece of living.

10. They understand that they never arrive.

Unlike driving to Vegas, in the tip top fitness mindset, you never arrive. This is a race with no finish line; A party with no closing time; a relationship that you can't get divorced from; a stinky body that frequently needs a shower; a belly that always needs good food; heaven (unless you follow all the nine aforementioned).

(RR - April 24, 2012)
