Hideous But Not Cancerous...

uglyBy Ben Ewers (benewers.blogspot.com)

It turned over 100 degrees in Phoenix a few days ago, and the sun and heat reminded me that just a month ago I had this ugly non-cancerous growth removed from the back of my leg. I've had numerous such items removed and biopsied for cancer in the last ten years. So this short blog is my version of a public service announcement.

These skin conditions are mainly the result of too much unprotected sun in my youth. I've had a few squamous cell carcinomas removed and hundreds of keratosis (pre-cancerous) frozen off or carved out. As a result I've become very conscious of odd appearing skin conditions, which is why I had this growth removed. The sun block I lavish on today will help me when I'm 100. The sun block I didn't use when I was 20 is causing what I routinely deal with today...

In my 20's and 30's I trained and raced shirtless, as was the norm. In the early years of triathlon you swam, biked, and ran in your speedo swim suit. Even Ironman distances. No matter modesty, it was not a spectator sport then. To prepare your skin benfor racing in the sun, you trained in the sun. Wearing a jersey would interfere with heat transfer. It all seemed quite rational. And you got this great tan as a side benefit.

If you look at the cover picture of my blog (photo R), you see me wearing what appears to be a white long sleeve t-shirt as I finished the 2011 Kona Ironman. Actually, it is a wicking fabric with a SPF of 50, as are the shorts. There are a few brands available, mine was Craft. I trained with this outfit a few time in the Arizona sun and heat prior to using it for the first time in Hawaii. I both biked and ran clad in this SPF 50 outfit. I could pour water on it and put ice in pockets built into it to help keep my body temp as cool as the conditions would permit. I only saw a few amateurs and one pro similarly clad. As a fashion statement it has zero standing. I did not have to apply sunblock except to my face and neck. I had no sunburn after 10 hours in the Hawaii sun.

So, either protect yourself now or fund your health care expense account for future use. And hope the growths you get are just ugly and not cancerous.
