Marvelous Mankato...

kristin-yard.gifIn recent posts we had discussed the history and talent of Duluth's multisport scene. Today we are doing likewise with the Mankato area's tri/du scene. Here are some stats:

Three Mankato area triathletes have won Minnesota Multisport awards. They are:

- BEKAH HOLT - 2000 Junior of the Year

- NATE KORTEUM - 2001 Rookie of the Year (FYI, Nate is the spousal unit / manager of Sarah Haskins, America's premier non-drafting female triathlete.)

- GREG TAYLOR (6x) - 2012 Master of the Year, 2004 thru 2007 Divisional Dominance (FYI - Named Grand Master of the Year in 2014 after he had relocated to Yankton, SD. He earned the National GMOY award in 2015 and 2014.)

Other Mankatoans who have been nominated for MMAs:

- BEKAH HOLT - 2 x Junior of the Year nominee ...


- DAVID LYON - 2 x Master of the Year nominee

- TOBY HENKELS - 2015 Rookie of the Year nominee

Since 1997 when MTN started to keep records, the male and female Mankato athletes who have the most multisport wins to their credit are: TODD LANDGRAFF and LYNETTE BACON. With approximately 20 wins, Bacon is the winningest Mankato multisporter over the last two decades.

The Mankato area boasts a large number of competitive masters and grand master triathletes, folks like CAROL MARSTON, GRETCHEN SADAKA, CHERYL JOHNSON, KRIS ANDERSON, DAN FRIEDRICHS, BRAD JOHNSON, CHRIS CROCKER, MATTHEW BUSCH and DENNY ELLINGSON.

In our opinion, the top open class athletes in Mankato these days are TOBY HENKELS and KRISTIN GUSTAFSON, who likes to drink beer by the yard (top photo ). Both are relative newcomers to the sport (Toby was a rookie in '15; Kristin took up the sport in 2011), but both have turned in fine results and demonstrated impressive aptitude. Here are their highlights:


- 2015

- 1st @ Eau Claire Sprint

- 3rd @ Liberty Half - 4:57:30 (rode long!)toby-waseca.gif

- 10th overall woman @ Ironman Boulder - 10:50:17


- 1st @ North Mankato

- 4th @ LIberty Half

- 5th @ Chisago Half - 4:51:19

- 10:35:46 @ Ironman Chattanooga

- 2013

- 1st @ Superior Man Half

- 4th @ Waseca 1/3

- 5th @ RochesterFest Olympic


TOBY HENKELS, 36, Mankato (photo R)

- 2015 - Runner-up for Rookie of the Year

- 1st @ Fairmont Olympic (sub-2-hours)

- 1st @ North Mankato (Fastest time since Matt Payne's CR)

- 3rd @ Waseca Sprint (Behind Kevin O'Connor and Bennett Isabella)

Toby's Team Minnesota rank was in the 16-19-range last year. If he increases his racing volume and contines to turn in fast times and high placings, he could make the Team (Top 10) in 2016.


