Six Most Common Triathlete Injuries...

proper-pillow-shoulder-pain.gifBy Dr. Michael Williams

Rotator Cuff Tendinitis (or potentially Tear) – inflammation due to microscopic muscles tears & stress

    • Workouts that are either too much or too hard, an imbalance in shoulder muscles, or poor stroke form
    • Signs & Symptoms
      • Pain may radiate down arm
      • Difficulty extending arm @ 90-degree angle
      • Arm weakness with lifting
      • Night pain
    • Treatment – unless your case is minor (PRICE), seek professional treatment as the healing process for this injury is slow due to the poor blood supply in the area
    • Prevention: avoid too much too fast & developed balanced shoulder strength...

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Bummers & Bounce-Backs...

SportJourney6hb-607x421.gifOr, how to rebound after a major bummer.

By Jesse Thomas (triathlon.competitor.com)

Shortly after I started racing professionally in 2011, I made a three-year commitment to 70.3 worlds, which extended to four years after breaking my foot in 2013. It was the No. 1 focus of my entire career. But due to bad luck, injuries and many, many mistakes, I still hadn’t had the breakout performance I knew I was capable of.

But in August of 2015, the stars aligned. The Ironman 70.3 World Championship course in Austria was perfectly suited to my strengths—there was a wetsuit swim, a super hilly bike and a two-lap run to Pacman people down. Most...

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steve--fam.gifThe MTN Guys love garish Christmas Sweaters like the ones given away on the Jimmy Fallon Show. So does our good friend Steve Sander, pictured here with one of his flamboyant sweaters and his kids, Avery and The Other One. His wife Kelly is taking the picture.(She is in the photo in the top right corner with The Other One.)









Rocking in Your Training Dungeon...

indoor-trainer-workouts.gifBy O'Brien Forbes (trainingpeaks.com)

Some riders love it while others loathe it, but putting your time in on the trainer is a must for the majority of riders that are preparing for the first races of the 2016 cycling season. Riding your trainer involves more than just hopping on and turning over the pedals. There are a few key points to start thinking about now as you develop your indoor trainer plan. Getting and staying motivated and having a proper trainer set-up are pillars upon which to build your trainer workouts. If you can maintain those pillars, the final component you need is a structured training plan....

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Ice, Schmice!

ice-400x300.gifBy Dr. Michael Williams (premiersportsandspine.com)

Have you ever bent or moved the wrong way, something you’ve done painfree thousands of times, but found yourself incapacitated with pain? The type of pain that makes you move like an inchworm and feel much older than you really are as you scramble to find any position or remedy to help you with the pain. For most of us, the first thing that comes to mind is RICE, or more specifically the “I” component, standing for Ice.

Well for everyone out there who has become more skeptical as of late due to reversals in the medical literature, here’s another one! Just like other previously known ‘beneficial’ and research proven knowledge, things

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