
Soaking Up Summer...

By Erin Klegstad (sweetsweatlife.com)

You guys. How is it June 30? I’m soaking up as much summer + sunshine as possible – anyone else loving daylight at 9p still?! – but seriously. Time needs to sloooooooow down. Despite flying by, June was packed full of goodness, from sunshiny Seattle to my first race of the season to…

Cheering at

North Star Bike Fest. I say this every summer after spectating: I want to solely race my bike. The road is where I fell in love with cycling… the whir of wheels, mere inches...

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Team Minnesota Stuff...

Kelly_smiles.pngAt Lake Waconia a guy said, "Team Minnesota is always the same people. There doesn't seem to be much turnover."

Maturely, we replied, "Is too!

The guy retorted, "Is not!"

This argument went on for another minute before we simply agreed to disagree. We continue to respect each other and remain friends.

Nice allegory, huh?

So we went back to our orifice, which is how we affectionately refer to our office, and did some research. We hope that the guy will read this post. Most of it, anyway.

Let's start with the women. In 2015, the top 3 women--Heather Lendway, Dani Fischer and Cathy Yndestad-- from 2014 were ineligible for inclusion. Heather...

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Allie & Zoe...

allie_track.pngROOKIES - MTN has been giving tri rookie HANNA GRINAKER a lot of well-deserved cyber ink lately. We want people to know that Gingersnap (Hanna's nickname) isn't the the only neophyte that is turning in impressive efforts this season. We are aware of two other women who also appear to be heading for "Rookie of the Year" nominations.

They are:

- ALLIE NOWAK, 27, Plymouth (photo)- According to her FB page, Allie is a Physician Assistant (OBGYN) who attended Cornell College, where she ran track and cross country, and has been to London and Washington. She's married and loves small dogs.

Her 2016 Tri Resume: 5th @ Liberty Half & 10th @ Buffalo Olympic. To secure a ROY nomination, Allie needs 1-2 more impressive performances this season....

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Fast Masters & Brewhouse Stuff...


BREWHOUSE STUFF - After last year's race, we recommended that race management consider moving their event from Saturday to Sunday. We did this because we thought the event would attract more participants from The Cities and central and southern and Minnesota....

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Ligamentous Injuries...

ankle-sprian.gifBy Dr. Michael Williams

What Is A Sprain, Is There Anything Other Than Rest That Can Help?

A sprain occurs when ligaments are exposed to extreme pressure and are overstretched or torn. This ligament sprain is analogous to a strain of a muscle or pulled muscle, except that ligaments are less vascular than tendons and muscles, meaning that sprains can take longer to heal. Overstretched and torn ligaments are painful and often lead to other parts of your body not functioning properly due to compensation....

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