A Really Good Party...

bob(Photo - Rookie of the Year Ruth Brennan Morrey receiving her Official Congratulatory Hug from Bob Powers.)

WARNING: Parts of this post may have been slightly embellished.

Minnesota Multisport Awards Party - Parties are good!

Well, maybe not all of them. But this one, which featured the presentation of the 13th annual Minnesota Multisport Awards, sure-as-heck was. There was no drunkenness, breakage, vomiting or fist fights. Instead, there was lots of great food, brew (Summit, no less!) and spiritus fermenti, which is Latin for "wine." The climate was convivial, warm enough to melt the cute little marshmallows atop your tepid cocoa.

And let's face it, the end of every great racing season NEEDS a party; an event where blessings can be counted and memories cherished. MTN, which owns the MMAs, and the great folks at Gear West Bike & Triathlon, which generously provided the intimate venue, were happy to provide the excuse for this ...

year's get-together.

Eighty-or-so totally cool folks braved the new winter's first storm in order to attend and, as they--who are THEY?--say, a good time was had by all.guys

Weeks, perhaps months, had passed since many of the attendees had seen each other, and physical changes stuck out like sore thumbs. (Who made the "Sore Thumb" expression up?) No, no one got really fat or had been hideously disfigured, or anything like that. What everyone did notice, though, was that an epidemic of Mustachosis had broken out like blue fur on last month's mac and cheese. Upper lip foliage had broken out on the physiognomies of Triathlete of the Year Dan Hedgecock , Most Improved nominee / single-and-trolling-for-meat dude, Sean Cooley, who is a totally great guy!, and Ross Weinzierl (Or is it "Wienzierl? We never did understand that "i before e" rule.) Dan and Sean hadn't shaved in weeks, whereas Ross hadn't shaved in the last four hours.
