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trinightMinnesota Multisport Awards - The nominees for all but two of the MMA categories--Long Course Athlete of the Year and Performance of the Year--have been officially announced, albeit in chunks. The male Triathlete of the Year candidates, for instance, were announced on October 2, while the female Most Improved nominees were revealed back on September 26, etc. For obvious reasons, the nominees in the final two categories were scheduled to be announced after the Hawaiian Ironman. To be more precise, those nominees will be tomorrow. Our fingers are crossed...

We've been hoping that at least one POY nomination will come out of Kona. And we suspect that a successful race in Hawaii will elevate someone's, or a few someones, long course resume to the nomination level.

JennHere is a list of all of the nominees selected thus far:

ROOKIE OF THE YEAR: Olivia Bagnall, Nicole Heininger, Larry Hosch, Casey Miller

JUNIOR OF THE YEAR: Mata Agre, Michael Burgdorf, Greta Danielson, Paige Danielson

GRAND MASTER OF THE YEAR: Neil King, Hank Larsen, Kent Schwitzer, Pam Stevens

MASTER OF THE YEAR (Female): Jan Guenther, Julie Hull, Sarah Mercer, Julia Weisbecker

MASTER OF THE YEAR (Male): Brian Bich, Kevin O'Connor, Tony Schiller, Greg Taylor

MOST IMPROVED (Female): Diane Hankee, Heather Lendway, Lisa Lendway, Bridget McCoy, Jennifer Scudiero

MOST IMPROVED (Male): Thaddeus Ingersoll, Brendon O'Flanagan, Brian Sames, Ross Weinzierl

DUATHLETE OF THE YEAR: Suzie Fox, Brian Sames, Jennifer Scudiero

TRIATHLETE OF THE YEAR (Female): Suzie Fox, Diane Hankee, Heather Lendway, Cathy Yndestad

TRIATHLETE OF THE YEAR (Male): Sean Cooley, Kevin O'Connor, Matthew Payne, Marcus Stromberg

First-time nominees in italics. Note that there are ten heretofore un-nominated athletes highlighted above. Photo - Jennifer Scudiero,who is nominated for two MMAs.

Hey, have you gotten your Tri Night 2013 tickets yet? LINK
