Race Coverage

Krista's Triumpant Ordeal...

kristaChisago Lakes Triathlon founder/director Gloria West has received a profusion of complimentary e-mails after this year's race. She asked if one of the letters could be shared with MTN's readership. We were happy to oblige.

"Chisago Lakes 2010 was my first triathlon and I am 46 years old and not an athlete. I started training in March and at that time I could only bike 9 miles an hour, I had not swum laps since 10th grade (1978) and I could not continuously run for more than 2 minutes at a time. I had not been in a bathing suit in public in 15 years. In the last 2 years I have lost almost 100 pounds and so I thought this would be a good challenge to keep from gaining the weight back. (I'm still an Athena and almost a Clydsdale) I agreed to do the triathlon with a group of my girlfriends and my...

15-year-old son, Adam. I was so scared come race day. I actually started crying right after we arrived. I pulled myself together and on my way down to the water kept remembering the promise I had made to myself to remain calm. In the water there were so many people to help out if I needed it. I felt very safe. The support from the community and other athletes was K  & Aamazing. The park was beautiful and the transition area well marked. All of the volunteers were terrific. The bike course was well-marked and I knew I could easily get help if I needed it. I hate running and I was dreading the 5k but it was great fun. The people cheering, the volunteers with water and high fives, the local people with hoses.... I really felt supported. I heard people say over and over, "keep going 1557, you are doing great!" Even some of the half-iron man participants would shout out support to me as they passed me up or I passed them on their way out and my way back. I thought 1600 participants would equal chaos but it was just the opposite. I thought world-class triathletes would equal snobbery but it was absolutely the opposite. I was treated by everyone like I was very important. I always knew what I needed to do and where I was suppose to go. It felt like a giant party! When I crossed the finish line I burst into tears. My son was there with hugs and smiles and so were my friends. I have never felt so proud. Thank you so much for a great event. I thought it was a once in a lifetime "ordeal" but it may become a yearly "triumph". Thanks again." Krista Martin #1557

Photo: Top - A tearful Krista Martin and her son Adam embrace after the race. R - Krista drinking heavily. Adam is the designated driver.
