Race Coverage

Surviving Kona...

Kristin-Queen-K.gifBy Kristin Gustafson (from Facebook)

Hawaii Ironman Race Report - It will definitely be a day that I will remember forever. Here is a little recap of the race…

I was a little nervous about the swim after I looked at the weather and there was a ‘high surf warning’ the night before. It turned out to be a great swim. I was shooting for around 1:20 so I was happy with my time. I survived my first mass start and was actually not that bad. It is so fun to swim with the fishes in the clear ocean. The salt water does not like my skin though as I chaffed pretty bad even though I put a bottle of Body Glide on!

I definitely felt the heat, humidity, and the wind on the bike. I had a few technical difficulties though. On mile 44 my pad on my tri bars flew off. Seriously who does that happen to?! I rode like this for almost 20 miles and finally found the bike support on the course. They decided to duct tape it with a towel as it was cutting into my arm. So happy they fixed it, but probably cost me way too...

much time. We actually had a little rain on the bike. It felt so good as I overheard someone say after the race that real feel was 104 degrees today when we were biking. I like hot, but not that hot! I never get sunburned and I am burnt. I was cruising back pretty good to town when I got a flat tire. Ugh…seriously! I got the tire all fixed and then bike support came by once again to check it out for me to make sure everything was all set. As I am talking with them, I am just watching the time go by. In the end though, the headwind on the Queen K pretty much killed me for 32 miles going back into town. This was so mentally tough, especially with the heat. What a confidence booster for future races though where there will be heat or wind. If I can survive Kona then I can survive anything!

Usually I am so happy to get running. Today was a different story for those first few miles. I felt defeated, but turned it around pretty quickly as I started to enjoy myself. I may never be here again so I better enjoy myself. All was good until the last 8 miles where my stomach was not happy with me. I had to take three pit stops, which slowed me down. My first marathon (in the 26 I have done) that I have gone over 4 hours though. At least I have a good excuse to say it was at the Ironman World Championships!!

Tonight was amazing to watch all of the athletes come in until midnight. The energy there is something I will never forget! Both Gus and I are exhausted. He has been the perfect Sherpa and so supportive.


ED. Here are Kristin's splits: 1:20:08 - 6:22:50 - 4:02:12 - 12:00:46

