To Stink? Or Not To Stink?

sweaty guysby Kendra Dahlstrom (for associatedcontent.com)

Body odor tops the list as one of the most embarrassing public discussions. Most people are embarrassed to talk about body odor because they don't want to admit they have it.

Others don't want to admit they smell body odor on someone else. This article is designed so that you don't have to discuss your body odor, just read about ways to prevent it. There are several steps you can take to severely reduce or completely rid yourself of your body odor problems.


You have probably heard it preached over and over again to drink 6-8 glasses of water. This not only improves your overall health, but also your body odor. The more water you drink, the more apocrine sweat..

is diluted. Aprocrine sweat is the stinky sweat. Aprocrine will always be produced to some extent. However, it is your goal to diminish and dilute that sweat. In order to diminish Aprocrine sweat you must cut down on marissacaffeine intake. Caffeine stimulates the Aprocrine glands which then produces more stinky sweat. Try to steer clear of soda, coffee, tea, and chocolate. All have high amounts of caffeine.


Proper hygiene is essential in the prevention of body odor. You must shower at least once a day if you have a body odor issue. Showering gets rid of the bacteria that excretes the smell in body odor. Purchase an antibacterial soap to kill the bacteria and lather up in prime areas such as the arm pits.


A deodorant that has the right elements can greatly reduce body odor. Many people don't realize their deodorant isn't helping mask any smell excreted from their body. Try to find a deodorant that contains Zinc or aluminum. These are two elements that help to fight bacteria created by aprocrine sweat.

Extreme Measures

If you have an extreme case of body odor, the above measures may not be enough for you. In this case, you should seek medical advice. There is a procedure you could look into that temporarily seals off your sweat glands in certain areas. Be aware, however, most insurance companies do not cover this type of procedure. If you have any questions you should direct them to your physician and insurance company.
