Race Coverage

Whitney's Breakout Performance...


APPLE DUATHLON COVERAGE - We've said it many times that a race doesn't have to be large to be awesome. (And big races are not automaticaly better than smaller ones.) Yesterday's Apple Duathlon, fielding only 130ish participants, was a prime example of that claim. It was awesome event, enhanced by perfect weather and a celebratory vibe. After a protracted winter, the 2023 racing season is finally underway. What's not to celebrate....

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New Kid...


ED. Between now and April MTN will repost race coverage from the 2023 season.


APPLE DUATHLON COVERAGE - Men's Race - ANDY ZABEL's second straight Apple win, the fifteen multisport victory of his career,  was decided on the bike. He was ten seconds behind leader/future tri star MICAH WARNING (photo) when he saddled-up coming out of T1. That time was erased quickly. He then outrode his closest challengers--Warning and BROOKS GROSSINGER, by an average of 1.5 and 1.1 mph faster respectively. A solid second run was all he needed to seal the deal. His final finish time was 1:25:55, a 34-second improvement on his prior best on this course.

Grossinger had almost a two minute lead on Warning entering T2, but that would not be enough to hold off Warning, a former Winona State track and cross country runner,  who outsplit the field significantly in the final phase. 

Warning, a relative newcomer to tri and du, finished 2nd in 1:28:21. That he held his own against Zabel, 2022 Minnesota Master of the Year, and Grossinger, owner of 39 tri and du wins thus far, and doing so on a road bike, was all the fuel he needed to optimistically pursue his next...

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Ted's Season - Part V - Like a Hallmark Movie...



By Ted Treise

Michigan and lead up to IM FL - I though Oceanside was a beautiful venue, but WOW. Michigan in the Traverse City area is just gorgeous - The lake, sandy beaches, birch forest & fresh air. It was like a hallmark movie in real life. Not to mention, I was just so exciting to be back at the races, seeing friends, putting on my HED disc and 80mm front. This is why I love triathlon. Racing with the best people possible on the fastest bikes mankind has ever made.


But how did the race go? Well the swim and bike went about the same as Oceanside and the run was a bit of shitshow given the furthest I went was about 9 miles at an 8 minute pace. I hobbled through it slipping under 1 hr 30 min for a run split which puts you in pretty much last for the pro field. My run was fine, whatever. But it was frustrating to be back so far on the bike and loose 10 min to the front after putting in a huge block without running....

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Ted's Season - Part IV - Buffalo & My Stupid Ankle...


By Ted Treise

In Minnesota, the local tri season starts in June at the Buffalo triathlon. I raced it last year and had blast with the MN crew. This year leading into it though, I had a tight interior ankle issue. It was fine in the sense that I get a little limp going through my warm up, but in the main-set, things were grooving. After it would be a bit sore, but nothing some Advil vitamins couldn’t solve. As someone who trains 20+ hourrs a week, nothing is ever perfect. My shoulder is sore in the swim, feet hurt around hour 5 on the bike. Shit happens and I thought this is just one of those things that will go away with some dry needling at Odom. Andrew is a super healer and most things do.....

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Ted's Season - Part III - Staying Out of the Camara Shot...


By Ted Treise

Clash Miami and Oceanside 70.3 - Clash Miami is the first race of the year taking place the second week of March. It takes place on the infield of the Miami Speedway. A giant tar oval with banks you can barely ride up they’re so steep and grandstands all around the facility. You drive under the track in a tunnel to the infield and park inside the pits NASCAR uses. The whole thign has a real race-y vibe. With the racing atmosphere comes one thing for sure and that’s HEAT. Track temps can get to 130+ degrees easy and it’s a true test to see how the winter training has gone.

Racing details aside of how I felt on the swim, holding xyz watts on the bike – I was super bummed with how this race went. In the leadup to the race, I’d swim with Sam Long just fine in Tucson but at the race, I got dropped by him and Lionel after the first turn then just found myself in no-mans land then struggled with being there for most the day. The lead group would come by on the 5 minute lap circuit and I needed to get out of the racing line, then slot back in. Again, frustrating when you want to BE THAT LEAD GROUP and they’re telling you to GTFO of the lead groups way.

At the post race party, the media team was there. While I was ordering a drink, one of them was next to me and said “hey are you ted?” me: “ah, yea..!” “you did a great job staying out of the camera shot!”… “Great.. thanks.” I said. Annnd that wraps up how Miami went....

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Visible Fish, Chainsaw Starts & Thank Yous...


By Maggie Swanson

IRONMAN Kona race report –I just had the honor of competing at the IRONMAN World Championships in Kona, Hawaii, on October 14th. I qualified for Kona in September of 2022 at IRONMAN Madison in Wisconsin, and continued training for 2023. My first race this year was at IRONMAN Chattanooga 70.3 in May, and I tore my Achilles tendon on mile 10 of the run. It looked like my season and my dream of racing Kona was over!  ...

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