
Vagabonds & Break Dancers...

HL-face.gifANOTHER TOP 5! - 2015 US Elite Rookie of the Year, HEATHER LENDWAY, continues to impress. Yesterday, the St. Paul resident placed 4th at Buenos Aires 70.3. Her time was 4:24:06 and featured the fastest women's swim split and the third fastest bike.

The women's race was won in breakout fashion by second-year British pro, Kimberley Morrison, who was the overall female European amatuer champion in 2014. Keeping HL off the podium was sneaky come-from-behind bronze medalist Ariane Monticeli of Sao Paulo, Brazil, who, like Morrison, turned in her best professional effort to date. Monticeli's run split (1:22) was almost seven minutes faster than her gender's next best split. ...

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Smiling All the Way...

dani-yellow.gifFebruary 2016 Interview - Rising multi-sport star, Dani Vsetecka

By Brad Mitchell (obsessivetripulsive.weebly.com)

Dani is the 2015 MTN Minnesota Triathlon Rookie of the Year and Long Course Athlete of the year. She joins an already dominant list of Minnesota's female triathletes, duathletes and runners who are going to make 2016 a fantastic season. Don't let the excessive smiling fool you - she means business!  Look out for her this year.

What is your sporting background?
Growing up in a small town in Iowa, I was able to participate in a variety of local youth sports leagues: basketball, t-ball, gymnastics, etc.  When I entered junior high and high school, I still participated in a number of sports teams, but I’m not sure if you would call this a ‘sporting...

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Knee Pain Isn't Good!

inflamed-knee.gifBy Dr. Michael Williams

Q - I have Knee Pain, is it Patellar Tendonitis?

A - Patella tendonitis also known as jumper’s knee is a common cause of pain under the patella in athletes. It is commonly seen in jumping and running sports. The athlete is likely to experience soreness and stiffness after exercises. Patella tendonitis usually begins with a stiff feeling in the patellar tendon especially when running downhill or descending stairs. There are four grades of patella tendonitis:

Grade 1: Pain only after training

Grade 2: Pain before and after training but pain eases once warmed up...

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Reviewing the Indoor Tris...

amy-b.gifBy Amy Bauch (amysrunningaround.blogspot.com)

They say Minnesota has two seasons:  winter and road construction.

I think our two seasons are:  outdoor triathlon and indoor triathlon.

While I will say that outdoor tri season is the best, with its warm days, open water and the thrill of riding on the open road, I live in Minnesota, where, even in the best of winters, I'm not...

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Nick's Plans...

nick-and-girl.gifED. In his blog, 2015 Minnesota Junior of the Year, Nick Klonne, who now attends Colorado School of Mines, talks about his plans for 2016 and beyond.

By Nick Klonne (nickklonne.blogspot.com)

So it's been quite a long while since I've been on this thing, I should be getting more regular as things start to pick up this spring.

This post is titled plans, so here are some plans:

First, the short term plans for this semester... I'm currently part of CSM's Cycling and Triathlon Clubs, and will be doing some racing with both of them this semester. The tri club only has two races, USAT Collegiate Regionals in Arizona on March 19th, and USAT Collegiate Nationals in South Carolina on April 9th (???). As of right now, it looks like my bank account is only going to let me race Regionals. Luckily, Cycling Club should make up for that lack of racing. For only $100, I'm...

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