
Final Stretch Rocks! Possible Minnesota Honorees...

452.gifGREAT NEWS FROM FINAL STRETCH - The MTN Guys want to thank our great friends at Final Stretch for adjusting their 2015 Multisport Schedule. If you check their website (LINK) you'll notice some great changes. You'll see that they will be producing the iconic Gear West Duathlon on May 17. Also, they have moved the North Mankato Tri from late June to early August. The biggest relocation, though, concerns the Waseca 1/3 and Sprint, which had been contested on the same day at the Chisago Half (now Toughman Half) for the last several years. It has been moved to the August 23. These changes will ease conjestion and, hopefully, help races to achieve satisfying attendance levels.


- POST SEASON HONORS - Triathlete Magazine and the ITU have named St. Paul's Gwen Jorgenson as their 2014 female ATHLETE OF THE YEAR. No surprise there, huh? There's a very good chance that Gwen will not be our state's only honoree. Though it won't be known for several weeks, it's likely that some of our state's best amateur tri and ...

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Apple Savings & MN Tri Series Stuff...

apple-logo-2015.gifAPPLE SEEDS - Do you know Adam Koncewski? He co-directs the awesome Apple Duathlon and is one of the coolest guys we've ever met. He sent us a press release yesterday that contains some truly exciting news. Check it out, and remember, Apple is a PERFECT tune-up for USAT Duathlon Nationals in St. Paul on June 6.
To help you ring in the New Year, the Sartell Apple Duathlon is offering great savings when you sign up early! Get 50% off when REGISTRATION OPENS DECEMBER 31st until January 2nd!! Prices go up after January 2nd. 
Is this your first time or first time in over 5 years racing the Sartell Apple Duathlon? Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to receive a $5 off promotion code before registering. 
Want to share your love of the Apple? This year we added a 3 Person Fun Relay. It’s a great opportunity to get your friends and family to take a bite out of the Apple with you! ....

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Operation Chlorination...

suz-pool.gifBy Suzie Fox (suz--news.blogspot.com)

I've known since early Nov that something was very wrong with my left foot. In 2011 & 2012 I had pain across the top but it was manageable with regular ART treatments & in Oct 2012 it went away until mile 16 of Ironman Wisconsin this year. 15 days off running following the IM bought me about another month of running including a 10 mile Halloween fun run in costume, but on Nov 6th the pain reached a whole new level and my foot swelled up like a sausage. Things hit rock bottom on Tues Nov 11th when I could no longer walk or put any weight on my foot and x-rays on Nov 14th confirmed a 3rd metatarsal stress fracture. I was trying to hang onto some fitness for the 6,000M USATF MN XC Championships on Nov 15th otherwise my season was over, but that was obviously a no go....

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Sharing is Good...


By Marnie Walth (BismarckTribune.com)

As a longtime runner with an adult-onset interest in triathlon training, I try to jump in the pool a few times a week to swim laps with the local master’s swim team. Don’t be fooled by the potentially pretentious sound of that — the descriptor “master” is simply the creative spin marketing-savvy sporting associations call us older-than-average athletes who want to keep playing....

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Stuff About Going Gluten-Free...

bread.gifBy Michele Tuttle (usatriathlon.org)

Triathletes are very tuned in to nutrition. So, unless your training has taken you off-planet, you’ve probably noticed the number of gluten-free products on your grocery store’s shelves. And, you probably have a friend, relative or co-worker (or two or three) who’ve shared their amazing transformations from going gluten-free. Or perhaps you’ve even tried the gluten-free approach yourself thinking THIS might be answer to solving your digestive, weight or other health-related issues.

Think very carefully before you cross the bread, pasta, cereal, couscous, bagels and other products made from wheat off your shopping list. Why? Because you will also ...

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