Race Coverage

Sam & Jen Do It Again...

swimAlbert Lea Triathlon Coverage - These thing happen sometimes. You plan to get to bed at a reasonable hour because you have a race the next day, but your friends insist that you have one more beer. You cave. They keep insisting and you keep caving and before your know it, you're hammered and it's after midnight.

You roll out of bed the next morning after getting maybe two hours of narcotized slumber, your mouth tasting like the floor of a neglected birdcage, and you drive, albeit badly, to, say, Albert Lea, which is about 120 miles from your home, which is in, say, Vadnais Heights. As you rack your bike you belch-up...

the acrid remnants of a dozen PBRs. The tri girl next to you wrinkles her nose, then relocates her bike and gear to a less fetid portion of the transition area. She's disappointed because when she first saw you, she thought you were totally cute, albeit in a disheveled sort of way.sam

After your wave starts, you spend the next 65 minutes kicking ass, everyone except one guy, let's call him, say, Kyle, are not even visible in your rearview mirror.

You win the race and yet you still have cottonmouth despite having drunk a gazillion gallons of water during the event.

This has happened to you, right?


Well, it did happen to Sam Janicki (photo R) last weekend. He's 26-years-old and a total mutant stud. His body can handle this kind of self-abusive thing. Yours probably can't, unless you too are a twenty-something mutant tri stud. Or studette.

Sam's win last Sunday at the Land Between the Lakes Triathlon in Albert Lea under rather punishing conditions (cold, windy, damp) marked a milestone in his young tri career. It was his 10th victory. Also, in three starts at this race, he has two wins and a 2nd. Not a bad batting average, eh?

We mentioned a guy named Kyle. We were talking about Kyle Serreyn, a young man who has paid his dues in this sport and now appears to be reaping his just rewards. He's placed 2nd in five of his last six multi starts. We have to believe that his first win is on the horizon; it should happen this season.

Third place for the dudes went to the guy with the coolest name in the entire race: Chap Achen. Our guess is that his parents were cowboy hippies. When you hear his moniker you are probably more apt to think that he's a country music singer than a triathlete. But folks, this guy is a talented swim-bike-runner. He's reached the overall men's podium in his last five multisport starts.

Unlike Sam, Jen Neuman did not get cooked the night before the event. Like him, she won the race for the 2nd consecutive year. Her victory here in 2011 was her first career W. Her win on Sunday was career $4 for the lovable 41-year-old from Ramsey. Jen's mom came to the race. Unsurprisingly, she is a very nice person.

Second place in the women's race went to Ann Courington, whose improvement since last season has been dramatic. Her previous best multisport placings were a 6th and Liberty Olympic and 21st at Gear West in 2011. Way to go, Ann!

Third was earned by Cheryl Johnson, a nice upward bump from her 8th place finish here last year. Cheryl's 2011 highlights include a win at Loon Lake and a 2nd at North Mankato.

sarahApproximately 140 athletes registered for this year's LBTL Tri. COMPLETE RESULTS

8th Albert Lea Triathlon

.25 - 14 - 4 (New Distances)

OVERALL WINNERS - Sam Janicki (1:05:06) and Jen Neuman (1:18:58)

JUNIOR WINNERS - Zachary MacDonald, 13 (1:51:53) & Galen Schultz, 17 (1:49:02)

MASTERS WINNERS - Chap Achen, 43 (07:01) & Jen Neuman, 41 (1:19:29)

45-49 - Ted McNamara (1:14:20) & Karen Barton (1:36:38)

50-54 - Brad Johnson (1:12:13) & Carol Marston (1:29:04)

55-59 - Larry Stracke (1:16:45) &

60+ Tom Amundson (1:35:18)

FYI - Jen Nueman's totally good Race Report will post tomorrow. Don't miss it, Okay? Also, some of the stuff about Sam may have been slightly exaggerated.

NOTE: All photos courtesy of Steve Stenzel, who is a totally good photographer. Steve did not race at Albert Lea because his foot hurt, and besides, it was Sarah's turn to do so. Sarah is Steve's wife and mother of their son, Henry, who is very, very cute. That's Sarah in the transition (L). Henry was with his grandparents on Sunday.

HEY EVERYONE - Minnesota's oldest multi, the Apple Duathlon, is Saturday. Will we see you at this 30-year-old classic? For Info and registration, link HERE.
