Race Coverage

Wade's Words...

wade-c-run.gifBy Wade Cruser

Cinco Du Mayo Race Report - I will start this race report with an apology. Why you ask? Well, because this is my first official race report and I've done everything in my power to avoid long form writing since college. I am very proud of that streak and while I would prefer to keep it running, I have been asked to write about the Cinco Du Mayo Duathlon. Streak dead. If this was for anyone else I would politely decline, but it's for MTN and they have been nothing but nice to me. MTN also does an excellent job of promoting triathlon in Minnesota and is a great resource for triathletes. I appreciate all of their kind words and if I have to break my streak to return the favor, then I will.  Now, back to that apology.  I just want to apologize in advance for what might turn out to be a boring read and may result in spontaneous naps. I do, however, want to be clear though, I am not opposed to naps.  Well now that’s done, let's do this. 

My first idea for this write up is to talk a bit about the day before. So, if you're still reading this, then you'll now learn that I am typing this Friday nightwhile sitting in an ice bath. Now, for a few things mixing around in my head. ...


1. Cinco Du Mayo will mark the start of my season, which I am unbelievably excited for.  Also, it's fitting that 2016 will start where my 2015 season ended.  My last race was at Square Lake Park for the Square Lake Triathlon- Long course.  Easily my worse race ever. I extremely underestimated my calorie intake and after a zig- zagging swim, challenging bike and 11 solid running miles, I didn't just hit the wall, I became the wall. If it wasn't for Mike Johnson from Chippewa Falls, WI giving me his last gel as he passed I might still be on that run course. 


2. If you're familiar with Stillwater you know it's anything but flat and that also excites me. It's a tough course and will be a great test for my fitness. 

3. Finally, packing for a DU is so much easier than a Tri. I love triathlon, but for pete's sake, I feel like I need two vehicles to haul everything. 

Alright, that's it for now. 

OH BOY, OH BOY, OH BOY! Race day! I arrived at Square Lake Park a bit later then I was planning, but after checking in and setting up transition I got in a quick warm up, which consisted of a 2K run and that's it.  After some announcements from Judi it was time to rock. My plan for the first 5k was to hit 3:20 per K. The first 2Ks were the worst. My legs and lungs wanted none of it, which I suspect is a result of my "warm up.” After that I got in a comfortable groove and averaged 3:19 per K, goal achieved.  I entered transition in 1st about 2:10 up. I went a bit slow through T1, but I managed a smooth mount and I was off to tackle the roller coaster. My plan for the bike was to ride wide open, leave nothing in the legs. I don't ride power or HR, just cadence so if it hurts then I know I'm doing something right.  It is a two loop course and half was against a 10mph headwind and the other half was with a tailwind.  Every climb was brutal especially against the wind. The second loop was interesting because all of the short course folks were now on the bike course. Which was nice because it always gives me a little extra juice when I'm passing people.  20 miles later I was back at transition, not as fast as I was pushing for but I'll take it. I was still sitting in first place, up just a tick over 4 minutes on second place. Out of T2 I went, there are some hills right off the bat so it's hard to get the legs turning over. My plan for the 2nd run was to hit 3:30 K's. After 2K I started to feel comfortable again. The turnaround is at the bottom of a hill which slows the legs to what feels like walking, regardless, up the hill I pushed, and now the wind was to my back. Using that to my advantage I pushed a bit harder and finished the 2nd run with a 3:32 per K average. Slower than my goal, but I won the long course overall.  

I'm extreme happily with my overall performance on such a challenging course. It gives me a good idea of where my fitness is at. 

The event as a whole was a great experience. Judi and her team did an excellent job organizing and running the event. The free tacos after were the cat’s meow.  Square Lake serves as an excellent venue and I look forward to returning in the future.  Also, they gave out the best awards for the overall short/ long course male and female champions.  They were sombreros that contained tortilla chips, two different types of salsas, limes and margarita mix. If you're wondering I did ask Judi where the tequila was at.  

Well that’s all I got. I hope you enjoyed reading and I also hope you consider racing the Cinco Du Mayo duathlon in the future. RESULTS
