Race Coverage

"Why Would Anyone Not Want to do This?"

emy_exity.pngED. Historic performances highlighted today's LAKE WACONIA TRIATHLON. We're anxious to tell you about it. Words and pics on Tuesday. RESULTS

- SUZIE FOX and BRIDGET MCCOY finished 1-2 this morning in Des Moines at the COPPER CREEK TRIATHLON. DKT placed 3rd in the men's race. RESULTS

By Emy Everhart (emy-everhart.com)

Liberty Olympic Race Report - So I have been procrastinating on writing this race report, I guess because a planned DNF is kind of anti-climactic. I have still not been running as I continue to recover from what has been going on with my leg, so the plan for Liberty was to race the swim and bike, take the opportunity for some transition practice, and have a solid brick training effort. Part of my reasoning in choosing this race when I was figuring out my race calendar was to get a solid earlier season Olympic distance race under my belt before the NYC Tri on July 24th. I’ve never raced Liberty before, but knew it was a long-time favorite local race so I was looking forward to what it had to offer....



Official – 30:18; 1:51/100 yards; 1st Out of the Water for my Wave! 6th Female; 1st Age Group

Garmin – 30:16 for 2,001 yards; 1:31/100 yards

This swim was LOOOOONNNG. Like at one point I remember thinking “I feel like I’ve been in the water forever! What the hell is going on?” I started the race in the 39-and younger women’s wave, which had about 20 women. I felt strong in the water and made an effort to swim steady and not be a spaz. I worked to be as close to the buoys as possible, but felt like I constantly had to swim toward the right to make this happen. I’m pretty sure I could have kept it tighter. Two other women and I were in the front of the pack right away and I was kind of surprised at how easy it was to pull away so early from the group. Yay for swimming 4-5 times a week! At the second turn to head back toward shore, I angled in toward the buoy to take over one of the other women who had been swimming toward the front with me since the start. I ended up being first out of the water, which was a great feeling and helped to temper my disappointment when I looked down at my watch and saw 29:xx. Okay, well if I was first out of the water for the wave and my time is that slow, it must mean the swim was long. Later my Garmin confirmed this after the race when I saw that I had swam 2,001 yards. READ MORE
