Race Coverage

"...It's in My DNA or Something"....

MA_canada.pngBy Michelle Andres (teamandresjourney.blogspot.com)

Sometimes it can be the simplest words of advice which mean the most.  One day driving in the car with Wes (ED. We is one of Michelle's many, many sons.) talking about my goal of qualifying at Ironman Canada for the World Championships he simply says…If you work for it, Mom, you can do it.  Well I decided right in the car that day…we would be going back to Kona.

Yep, that’s right… I’m still a triathlete.  I’m pretty sure it's in my DNA or something because each time I say I’m walking away and I completely plan on walking away (selling my bike and all my gear) I find myself at another starting line.  We were having pizza (of course) as a family and one of my boys says, "Remember when Mom was done racing”.  We all laughed.  Yes, I know….I’m a broken record.

Part 4....


Part 4 of my blog after Ironman Wisconsin 2015 never came because I wasn't ever really sure about what my "next big thing" was going to be. In reality I want each day to be treated like "my next big thing". I’m working towards being present in the moment and not planning my life away. It sounds so simple but it's easier said than done for me. I know me...I like a full plate, having goals, moving, loving, living....

At times I feel if I stand still life is going to pass me by.  I just want to experience as much as I can with the people I love as often as I can.

It was May 17th when I decided to race Ironman Canada…about 9 weeks out.  I am so fascinated by the human body and mind. We are capable of so much more than we realize.  We have to dream big and believe in ourselves and then willing to work hard.  I think one of the things I love most about triathlon, especially Ironman racing, is the dedication it takes and the mental part of race day.  No matter what…it’s going to hurt; you’re going to want to quit at some point, and you’re going to question why the hell you are doing this right now at this moment.
A racer needs to be able to answer that question on race day because there is no doubt you will question yourself more than once.  READ MORE
