Race Coverage

Sir Sean and Other King B Stuff...



KING BOREAS WINTER TRIATHLON - SEAN COOLEY is rocking a cool new "look" these days. With his new beard, which his girlfriend adores, he looks a bit like Sir Walter Raleigh, the guy who invented cigarettes. All Sean needs to complete the 16th century image is one of those collars that looks like an automotive air filter.

Perhaps his new look is fitting. After all, he is one of our region's multisport aristocrats, i.e. triathlon royalty. His 2017 TOY award is the equivalent of his being crowned King of Minnesota's multisporters, is it not?

He has also proven himself to be the King of winter triathlon, a result of earning the title of National Champion two of the last three years. In his non-winning year, he finished a close 2nd to JOEL LAFRANCE, who couldn't race this year due to the flu.

With LaFrance on the sidelines, Sean was the clear favorite, and was expected to win by a sizable margin, which he did. It started with a very solid run, and finished with one of the Top 3 ski splits in the event. It was what happened in between those two disciplines where he truly exercised his supremacy. Throwing down 18.3 mph on a fat bike is crazy. His closest challenger on the bike, breakout multisporter, JACOB KEEHAN of Maple Grove, was 1.5 mph slower....


The eventual result was a 2:40 margin of victory over runner-up Keehan. 

Before the event, the MTN Guys predicted that a Coloradan named ERIC HOLMLUND, who crack the podium. His summer tri results convinced  us that he would be a force. He finished 3rd on Saturday.

Credentialled summer multisporters, DAN WESTERHAUS and former Sprint Duathlon National Champion NATHAN HOFFMAN, filled out the men's Top 5.


Cooley's time was 1:24:29, only ten seconds off LaFrance's 2016 race record. It appeared that this year's ski course was a tad longer than 7K. (7.6K)

Despite fatigue from having put countless Ks beneath her ski's in the days leading up to the King B (she dominated her AG at the Masters World Cup 30K on Friday), JAN GUENTHER, 58, set off in search of a three-peat. In 2nd after the run, things were  looking good for her. A solid bike followed by her signature rocket ski split should get the result she hoped for.

But it was not to be. Carleton-educated environmental scientist from Ankorage, Alaska, JORDAN PRUSZENSKI, 25, turned in a fat bike split that her competitors couldn't match, giving her an almost three minute lead heading into  T2. Jan was able to make half of that back on the ski trails. Pruszenski's eventual MOV was 1:21.

Lke Jan, two of the next three female finishers were fabulous 50-plussers. KAREN BEBCHUK, 50, who placed 5th in 2017, was 3rd, and South Dakotan NANCY WHILLOCK, 50, who placed 4th last year, took 5th this time around. In between was conspicuous absentee on the summer tri scene for the last few years, SHELLEY NELSON, 39.

FYI - Whillock races frequently on Minnesota soil , and has some fine results to show for it. Last year she placed 2nd overall woman (Masters Record) at Bertram Blast and 5th at Chisago Sprint.

Temps were pleasant early in the event, hovering in the mid-20s under sunny skies. By noon the winds picked up and things cooled down a bit. All in all, it was a wonderful event on a great day.

Sixty-seven triathletes crossed the triathlon finish line, along with eight duathletes. Du winners were BEN CHIRI and JEN NEUMAN.

Six AG records in the tri were set:

- 00-19M - TRYG SOLBERG - 1:34:23

- 40-44M - JASON TOTH - 1:36:05 (Prior Mark - 1:39:54)

- 60-64W - HELEN GUNTHER - 1:54:26 (Prior Mark - 2:18:11)

- 65-69M - MIKE LYNER - 1:54:26 (Prior Mark - 2:18:11)

- 70-74W - NANCY BAUER - 2:41:22

- 70-74M - DANIEL KIRK - 2:39:07



Photo - King B medalists (L-R) - Amy Dettmer, Karen Bebchuk, Helen Gunther, Nancy Bauer.





