Race Coverage

"Today Was Supposed to be My Day"....


By Michelle Andres (teamandresjourney.blogspot.com)


Set backs

I hit a bump in the road or maybe I could say my train has completely left the tracks.  Temporarily. I need to hit the pause button on my training for a bit, but I’m not throwing in the towel.  We all have moments in our lives where something doesn’t go according to plan and we always have the option of giving up and giving in or we can make some adjustments and find another way.  I will find another way to get there, but I will not change my goal.

My Boston 2018

I took most of 2017 off to heal a labral tear and tears in both my hamstrings.  My left hamstring has been a problem since 2013 and I’ve rehabbed it and strengthened it, but I’ve never been able to fully not think about it while training....

After taking most of 2017 off I was able to get back to some easy jogging at the end of August and it was never more than 3 times a week of running…and always “easy”.  

I managed to run a marathon in November with no pain.  No record breaking times, but I had no pain.  I kept my running to only 3 days a week through most of the winter and ran a half in January.  My pace was picking up.  Even with 3 days a week of running and no speed work.  Still no pain.  So after the half marathon in January I decided to up my mileage and add a day of some faster running. Again, nothing record breaking, but was there more structure to my training run paces.  Everything still a go.  I was happy!  My paces were starting to pick up and I was running more. READ MORE
