Race Coverage


gwpose.gifBy Devon Palmer (palmertri.wordpress.com)

I participated in and successfully completed a sprint (Pigman Sprint) last Sunday. Unfortunately I can’t say much more than that. I got on the bike and realized I was cooked. I’d overstepped a bit in training and didn’t have the firepower I need in a race. This happened many times in 2012 and 2013. It is no fun. I felt kind of dull and wasn’t sharp or excited the day before the race. That should have been a warning sign. Racing when cooked is rough because you just feel silly getting trounced and going slow out there. It was completely self inflicted as well – my coach assigned 2-3 hours or riding the Wednesday before the race which I turned into 100 miles. Looking at the two weeks leading into the race it’s pretty obvious that Wednesday century was ill advised. Anyways, I’ll have to carefully nurture my ego and confidence back to health this week.

Another downside is when you race tired or in a negative mindset it seems bad stuff is more likely to happen. Finishing the ride I somehow managed to take an acrobatic tumble as I...

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Pigs & Pontevedra...

GW-Team.gifPIGMAN SPRINT - In an earlier post we mentioned that Minnesotans have historically dominated at Pigman Sprint. The legacy lives on. Here's how our state's triathletes fared last Sunday in Palo, Iowa:

Overall Top 10 - Six of these spots were earned by Minnesotans.

2nd - David Thompson - 1:01:55. (He finished just 25-seconds behind winner Daniel Bretscher, despite having flatted with four miles to go in the bike segment.)

3. Dan Hedgecock - 1:02:28

7. Kevin O'Connor - 1:04:34 - 2nd amateur/ 1st Master

8. Devon Palmer - 1:06:28

9. Heather Lendway - 1:06:53 - Lowered Claire Bootsma's 2012 course record by 1:46....

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Great Racing in Soggy Buffalo...

buffalo-dog.gifBUFFALO XI - Slightly more than two-thirds of Buffalo's 1100ish enrollees (800ish) showed up at soggy Sturges Park last Sunday. Some were prepared to race despite inclement weather, others had faith that the rain would cease, or at least lessen. These sturdy folks were rewarded with very raceable weather. An hour or so before Wave 1, the storm system that had buffeted the area for the last 24-hours, pushed off to horth and east. The next system, which was sneaking in from South Dakota, wouldn't arrive for another two and a half hours, and what did come was weak and brief. The result for the faithful 800 was a great racing experience, one that produced some awesome performances.

May Athlete of the Month, Matt Payne, was in a league of his own on Sunday. A solid swim and a huge bike split kept his pursuers out of sight. Despite taking an estimated 20-seconds to rescue a turtle on the run course--Matt is a well-known Turtle-o-phile--he arrived at the finish line 4:20 ahead of co-favorite Jon Balabuck of Thunder Bay, Ontario. Matt had time to drain two cans of PBR before his Canuck counterpart made his effort official....

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Sunday Race Capsules...UPDATED...

hl-headshot.gifBUFFALO TRIATHLON - The weather wasn't nearly as yucky as was anticipated. The grey, dank conditions didn't slow down Matt Payne, who set an Olympic course record. Elaine Nelson took the women's Olympic title. John Heinlein held off Brain Sames in the Sprint. He was joined in the Winner's Circle by Cheryl Zitur. RESULTS

PIGMAN SPRINT - 2007 US Athlete of the Year, Daniel Bretscher, a 7th-year pro from Mount Vernon, Iowa, held off David Thompson for the win. St. Paul's Heather Lendway (photo) annihilated the women's course record. RESULTS

UPDATE: MTN received this email from Kevin O'Connor concerning David Thompson's race at Pigman:

So you know, David had a big lead and was set to win and set a new course record but got a flat with four miles left of the bike. He rode it in but was passed by Daniel and couldn't reel Daniel in on the run. Heather was, as expected, a total stud. The race was a ton of fun, another total success.

More words and photos about BUffalo will posy on Tuesday. Pigman coverage will appear on Friday.

More Stuff on next page...

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The Greatest Performance in Apple History......

bob-apple.gifBy Tyler Buckintine (sctimes.com)

Training sometimes takes up an average of 15 hours of his week and he spends a lot of time on the road competing at duathlons and triathlons around the nation.

"My profession is being a professional triathlete and I basically started racing pro right after grad school," Thompson said. "I just race and I travel a lot. It's a lot of training. It flexible but there's no days off. I also do daddy daycare."

Thompson hadn't participated in the Apple Duathlon since 2010, the last year of his four-year win streak. He also won the race in 2004 and 2005....

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Long & Waterless...

bo-and-sf.gifUSA Triathlon Web Release (usatriathlon.org):

CARY, N.C. — Amateur multisport athletes Albert Harrison and Laura Kline bested a field of more than 400 competitors to claim the overall titles at Saturday’s USA Triathlon Long Course Duathlon National Championships, held in conjunction with the Cary Du Classic presented by the Happy Tooth.

Harrison (Boone, N.C.) finished the 5-mile run, 32-mile bike, 5-mile run course in 2 hours, 14 minutes, 21 seconds to win the overall and men’s 25-29 age group title. Jeff Wilson (Copley, Ohio), also in the men’s 25-29 age group, was second in 2:14:44, and Marc Warner (Crozier, Va.) was third overall, winning the men’s 45-49 title in 2:15:24. Patrick Parish (Bloomington, Minn.) posted the fastest time of the day in 2:13:00, but as an elite (professional) athlete does not qualify for age-group awards or national titles.

Kline (New Paltz, N.Y.) was the top finisher on the women’s side, earning the overall title as well as the women’s 35-39 division title in a time of 2:28:53. Diane Hankee (Lino Lakes, Minn.) finished in 2:29:09 for second overall and in the women’s 35-39 division, and Hannah Hanson (Frederick, Md.) claimed the women’s 34-39 title, rounding out the overall podium in 2:29:33....

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