Race Previews

Sweat & Barbecue Sauce...


Race Preview - WARNING: Some of this stuff is totally made-up.

When Angie Hop heard that the 2nd annual, like the first annual, Green Lake Duathlon offered a post-race "RibFest," featuring "baby back ribs," she decided to boycott the race. She believes that eating the ribs of cute little piglets is just plain wrong, or as she put it in her own words, "Hey, eating the ribs of cute little piglets is just plain wrong!" She also complained that there isn't much meat on baby pig bones....

On the other hand, Angie (photo below) believes that it's totally okay to eat Adult Back Ribs because pigs grow up to be hogs, which are ugly and gross and their bones have lots of meat on them.

When it was initially explained to Ang that baby back ribs actually come from hogs, not piglets, she didn't believe it. When she was shown the actual Wikipedia definition of baby back ribs, though, she was convinced that Green Lake Du Race Director Dave Baker wasn't actually butchering cute little piglets. After all, Wikipedia prints only truthlike stuff. WIKI DEFINITION

angbradWe are so glad that Ang will be racing in Spicer this weekend. And not only because she's very cool and very funny. Ang is also a fine athlete, fine enough to have finished 2nd at Chain of Lakes a few weeks back, and fine enough to be favored to win the Green Lake Duathlon on Saturday. At least we think so. She's definitely our pick.

Who do we think will join Ms. Hop atop the podium? We believe two-time Green Lake Triathlon winner, Robert Brown, who is as male-ishly handsome as Ang is womanishly foxy, will out-duel defending champ Lucas Pedersen, a fine-looking young man in his own right who has a funny dad who wears ultra-baggy retro madras shorts, to claim the men's title. We didn't have a photo of Robert, so we inserted a pic of actor Bradly Cooper, who was great in "The Hangover" and isn't bad looking, either.

Robert and Angie would make a great-looking couple if they weren't deliriously happy with their current spousal units.

If you're looking for a great low-key, totally fun event, we hope to see you in Spicer on Saturday. Registration will remain open until race time.

