
2016 Nominees: Grand Master of the Year...

sheri_bike.png2016 MINNESOTA MULTISPORT AWARDS - It's that time of year again: Time to announce the MMA nominees. To be eligible for consideration, athletes need a minimum of three "outstanding" efforts during the season in question, though MMA Selectors prefer that considerees have four or more such performances.

Next, by "outstanding" we mean that performances need to approach, match or exceed the highest standards set at the races in question. Also, athletes are measured against those that have historically set the highest performance standards. In the category we're highlighting today--GRAND MASTER OF THE YEAR--athletes are measured next to past GMOYs, like Greg Taylor, Ben Ewers, Pam Stevens and Neil KIng.

We use USAT's definition of Grand Masters, i.e. Men 60+ and women 55+. ...

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Increased Attendance & Jason Aldean Hats...

cheri_and_greg.pngPhoto - Cheri Bates and Greg Koutoupas discussing tattoos and Greek food.


ONE LAST TRI - DANI VSETECKA returned to her winning ways after a two-and-a-half month injury absence on Sunday at One Last Tri Olympic-esque (732m-27-10K). The win was the 2015 Rookie of the Year's second in four starts this season and 5th (in 8 starts) of her young career.

Her time was impressive - 2:08:33--and landed her in 5th place overall. The men who finished in front of her were credentialed athletes, starting with winner JASON TOTH (2:00:47), who was also victorious eight days earlier at Square Lake. (We suspect that Jason, who currently resides in Eagan, may be a New York state transplant.)


The runner-up was former Team Minnesota guy RYAN BAILEY, who got his pro license in 2015 then sort of disappeared. It was good to have him back on the local scene. Ryan's time was only eight seconds off Toth's pace... 

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Du Win #14 for Scudiero...

justin_cummins.pngFALL CLASSIC DUATHLON - The 9th edition of this "rescued" (By Derek Lindstrom at Excelsior Running, an awesome guy and successful running and multisport coach) event was staged at Lake Elmo Park Reserve yesterday. The star of the show, in our opinion, was JENN SCUDIERO, who placed 3rd overall and finished 13:04 ahead of the 2nd-pacing woman.

The victory was 14th of Scudiero's duathlon career. She is a former US Duathlete of the Year (2013) and overall (2013) and AG (2014, 2015, 2016) National Champion.

Jenn also won this race in 2014.

Winning for the men was 41-year-old Duluthian JUSTIN CUMMINS (photo), who podiumed in his AG and placed 21st overall at Sprint Du Nationals in Bend, Oregon on June 25. He kicked off the 2016 season with a 4th place (1st AG) finish at Cinco Du Mayo Long Course....

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Extremely Happy....

3rd_place.pngBy Kristin Gustafson

Ironman Madison is checked off and in the books! The spectators and the hills on the bike did not disappoint. The volunteers were amazing and the weather was sunny and cool! We were definitely blessed with a perfect day to do an Ironman!!
This race was different than any other race. It has been a tough training season so there was a whole other fear factor going into this race. The IM is such a long day and you really don’t know what could possibly happen out there on the race course. My anxiety went to a new level with not knowing how my body was going to handle combining doing an IM and having MS. My body did not disappoint and did an amazing job with no MS symptoms during the day. Thank you body for being awesome and letting me do another IM! I am grateful that I received the infusions to help with my symptoms even though it took a toll on my heart and liver. After a...

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Becoming an Un-Poopy Person...

WATCHING_IM.pngED. An awesome article. Check it out.

By Erik Sateren (badgerherald.com)

Every year, a day rolls around where I and many others in Madison feel 50 times more hungover and lazy than we actually are. It’s the day of Ironman Wisconsin.

On my way to work at the Herald this Sunday, I had to avoid roped-off streets, backed-up traffic and increased police roadblocks until I was finally able to reach State Street. It was there that I paused and watched some of the most dedicated...

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