Operation Chlorination...

suz-pool.gifBy Suzie Fox (suz--news.blogspot.com)

I've known since early Nov that something was very wrong with my left foot. In 2011 & 2012 I had pain across the top but it was manageable with regular ART treatments & in Oct 2012 it went away until mile 16 of Ironman Wisconsin this year. 15 days off running following the IM bought me about another month of running including a 10 mile Halloween fun run in costume, but on Nov 6th the pain reached a whole new level and my foot swelled up like a sausage. Things hit rock bottom on Tues Nov 11th when I could no longer walk or put any weight on my foot and x-rays on Nov 14th confirmed a 3rd metatarsal stress fracture. I was trying to hang onto some fitness for the 6,000M USATF MN XC Championships on Nov 15th otherwise my season was over, but that was obviously a no go....


I have spent the last 5+ weeks in a boot and will get it off for good after 6 full weeks on Dec 24th. It took 3.5 weeks to be able to walk pain free with the boot on & 4.5 weeks until the inflammation was totally gone & I could try a little walking around the house without the boot & get back on my bike for some easy spins. Just this week my dog and I started walking to the mailbox every other day without my boot. It's all of about 100 yards but it is something I couldn't do 5 weeks ago with my boot. There were days early on I found it much less painful to slide down the stairs in my house on my butt then struggle down them on foot & days where a 4,000 yard swim was so much easier then walking slowly through the grocery store. READ MORE
