Boston, Birkie, Rim-to-Rim etc....

jordan-roby.gifJune 2016 Interview - Elite amateur triathlete and runner, Jordan Roby


By Brad Mitchell (obsessivetripulsive.weebly.com)

Jordan is a personable guy who is part of a core group of Minnesotan men and women elite amateur athletes . This group sets the bar high for the rest of us and helps make Minnesota one of the best multi-sport states in the country.  His athletic and professional accomplishments are impressive and his best is yet to come.
Boston Marathon 2016.  You ran a blazing 3:00:35 (6:54 pace) apparently on one day a week training. Please explain how you did that and if that program was something you planned or life planned for you....

Well I think it’s fair to say that under no circumstances would I recommend optimally training for a marathon on one day of running per week. Approximately 14 weeks out from Boston I suffered from and injury to my IT band in which I could only tolerate running one day per week ….so I was literally forced to cross train and aqua jog for a majority of my training which may be one of the most boring things I’ve ever done (but now I can tell you how many ceiling tiles there are in the pool area). Huge thanks to my coach Derek Lindstrom at Excelsior Running for his adaptability to formulate a plan that got me around the 3 hour marathon mark in April.  

I've spoken with a few runners who thought that the conditions were less than ideal. Were they challenging for you?
It’s funny you say that because I heard lot of participants saying that same thing after the race, but from my perspective I thought the conditions were more than fair.  I would agree that the weather was less than ideal but then again I was always taught that you should always train for the worst and hope for the best and in this case it paid off. Sure it could have been a little cooler, tailwind, and overcast but then again where’s the challenge in the that! Ha!  Actually my PR Marathon in 2015 in Marquette Michigan was a little over 75 degrees by the finish and I ran 2:58:54… so I guess in retrospect Boston was pretty darn nice. READ MORE
