Hydration Essentials...

33048529-woman-triathlon-ironman-athlete-cyclist-cycling-drinking-on-white-background-Stock-Photo.pngBy Deanna Pomfret (usatriathlon.org)

Your muscles are about 70-75 percent water. Water helps your body regulate temperature and supply oxygen to your muscles (water is the main component of blood). Water helps you keep stress levels in check and it helps maximize recovery. If you come to a workout even slightly dehydrated, it can impact your energy, performance and recovery. You can only live a few days without water as opposed to a few weeks without food. If you are ever in an emergency, the first thing a medic or nurse is trained to do is hook you up to an IV to keep you hydrated. Water is essential to life.

Here’s how to determine your daily needs, how to adjust for activity and what you need to know about water quality.

Daily Needs

 * Water: Drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day. That’s pretty simple. So for a 140 pound person that’s 70 ounces per day. This covers your basic hydration needs without other factors such as activity, extreme weather or how you are dressed....

* Electrolytes: Sodium then potassium are the two greatest mineral losses in sweat. You will likely be able to keep all electrolytes balanced with a healthy diet. If you are eating close to the earth, with occasional minimally processed foods, a good pinch or two or three of salt daily is part of a healthy athlete’s diet.

Activity Needs

 * Water: The best way to know how much water to take during activity is to know your sweat rate. Your sweat rate will be specific to you and specific to your activity and fluctuate with the weather and how you dress for the weather. A general idea of your sweat rate will help you aim better for replacement amount. [FIND YOUR SWEAT RATE.]
* Electrolytes: Aim for about 500 milligrams of sodium per 20 ounces of water/liquid consumed during sport. It’s important to note, gels, chews and some Gatorade formulas and other "electrolyte" beverages like coconut water don’t come close to the ratio I’ve listed above. So, look for replacement products that have sodium and aim for 500mg sodium per 20 ounces of water. Bottom line, if you are a healthy athlete without salt sensitive high blood pressure and you were to take in too much sodium, you will pee it out. READ MORE
