Travel & Training Stuff...

jump-rope.gifImprovised Training While Traveling...

By Heather Lendway (Heatherlendway.com)

Two weeks ago I was lucky enough to escape snowy Minnesota and head to Florida for the week to attend a work conference. Fortunately they had a fitness center with some weight and cardio equipment so my training wouldn’t be affected too much. The website for the hotel also advertised two “lap pools” but I wasn’t going to believe it until I got there to see for myself. One of the lap pools looked more like a large leisure pool; the second actually had two lane lines so it was somewhat legitimate. It was hard to tell for sure what the pool length was but I would estimate approximately 33 meters.

Adjusting my swim workouts for the unusual distance wasn’t too bad and made for another random week of swimming. If you’ve ever swam in a 25 yard or meter pool and then gone to a 50 meter pool, it typically feels like you’re drowning until you adjust. The first couple workouts I felt mostly like I was drowning in the pool, but it got better as the week went on....


Where I was staying they had three approximately 1 mile running/walking loops and plenty of treadmills so keeping up with run training was no issue. Biking on the other hand, they had a couple stationary bikes which is so far from training on my own tri bike, but I made due. I was still able to do some bike intervals but it was all based of feel verses power output. Basing workouts on feel vs. power or speed was a good training switch to help me be more aware of my body and how I’m feeling when working at a certain perceived effort level. I’ve had my speed sensor stop working in a race before so it’s good to be prepared for a scenario like that. READ MORE
