"Good At Being Herself..."

sarahED. Good friend / Start Line manager / totally cool person Ann Rhea suggested we do an "Off Course" feature on diabetic triathlete Sarah Hankel (photo). We contacted her immediately and asked her to tell us a little bit about herself and to fill out an "OCQ" (Off Course Questionnaire).

We're glad we did. "Hanky," who's now a brunette, totally rocks!

By Sarah Hankel

On & Off Course - I have been a swimmer since I can remember, let alone an athlete my whole life. Came to the great state of Minnesota to go to college and swim and march in the band for the Golden Gophers. After my first collegiate bowl trip with the band, I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. As this news can typically be daunting and leave a not so great feeling about the future of an active individual, I was determined to not let my inefficient pancreas (see image below) stand in my way!...

The year of 2004 was my virgin year of triathloning, and I have not looked back sinsc! Yes, I have learned a wealth of knowledge and met life long friends, I know that I would have never entered the field had I not been diagnosed with diabetes.pancreas

Diabetes has remained an extra variable for my training to take into consideration, but it is nothing different from nutrition preparation, bike maintenance or learning how to get out of your wetsuit. In pursuit of trying to find out just how I can help inspire others with type 1 diabetes to reach and achieve their goals, I stumbled upon Triabetes. Triabetes is an organization that fosters diabetic athletes the ability to educate, inspire and explore the endless possibilities to an often frustrating disease. Next thing I knew, I was honored with the title of Norsk Regional Captain 2010-2011 and signed up for Ironman St. George 2011! I even have a triabuddy whom also has type 1 diabetes whom I get to mentor and help explore the awesome sport of triathlons!

With less than 60 some days to go, I am truly grateful and stoked to be on this path to greatness with this event. I know that this is no better time than to go over after an awe inspiring event such as this, and not allowing diabetes to get in my way. With rigorous training, lots of mental exercises, and an immense love and support system, I am ready to ROCK!

triabetesIf you have a moment, check this out: LINK

ED. Here's some cool "Off Course" biographical stuff about the remarkable future Ironman and former blond girl, Sarah Hankel:


Name? Sarah Hankel

Age? 26

Where you live now? Maple Grove, Minnesota

waterfordWhere were you born? Waterford, Wisconsin

Education? Where? University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Degrees? B.S.-Kinesiology and Coaching

Occupation? Group Training Coordinator, Life Time Fitness

Former Occupations? Swim and Endurance Coach

Family? Wife? Husband? Kids? Cardio2 is my endurance family, and my
