
Lawyers in Suits....

harvey(Disturbing Photo - Harvey in a white tri suit.)

By Darin Wieneke (with creative assistance from Harvey Skees)

Two lawyers jump off the 10th floor of an office building. One is wearing a striped suit and one is wearing a plain gray suit. Which lawyer hits the ground first?

Who cares!

While you might not care to hear about lawyers wearing dress suits, but how about lawyers wearing (and critiquing) two of the best triathlon race suits on the market. Harvey Skees (a/k/a Minnesota DUI Guy) and I recently purchased two of the best race suits on the market. Harvey picked up a 2XU Endurance suit from Gear West and I picked up a TYR Carbon suit from Elsmore Swim. See below for our stories and analysis:

Harvey Skees - On His WHITE 2XU Endurance Suit:

This past Sunday I did my co-favorite race (aka The Heart of the Lakes Triathlon

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Wake Up, Denny...

bonnieBy Bonnie Moebeck

My feet felt like they were growing blisters the size of small water balloons. Any minute and they would erupt, sending liquid bursting out of my running shoes. I took in a bit of extra water at the next aid station to offset any potential dehydration that may result from my sudden loss of fluid. I had an image in my mind. I saw my friend Denny unconscious in his hospital bed, machines hooked up to him, keeping him comfortable and alive. I pressed on. Just a few days ago Denny was out on a mountain bike ride rapidly descending a hill when suddenly one of his wheels flatted and sent him crashing hard. He was air lifted out and rushed to the trauma center, undergoing brain surgery and still lay there unconscious. "This one is for you, Denny." I whispered under my breath.

I had the joy of meeting Andy Potts, an extraordinary Ironman triathlete. Just two days before his 2009 Ironman World Championship race his father-in-law had passed away. Andy raced, having written the name of his father-in-law on one shoe and his grandmothers name on his other shoe. As he crossed the finish line he took off the shoe with his father-in-law's name on..

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Sunday Results...

logo* BOOTS ROCKS! -

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Sunday Preves....

marcusjen(Photos - Green Lake faves, Marcus Stomberg and Jen Neuman.)

Race Previewette - It's hard to believe that the GREEN LAKE TRIATHLON is eight years old today. Whoa! It still feels new; has that new race smell, kinda like a car that's just arrived at the showroom, only sweatier.

Staged in a beautiful, bucolic setting on one of Minnesota's gorgeousest lakes and featuring a transition area whose lanes are wide enough to smoothly accommodate those big yellow dump trucks that haul dirt in and out of mines. You know, the kind with tires that are taller than Shaq. The event also features incredibly nummy post-race food. The event totally stands on its own, but if that's not enough for you, do it for the food. And the transition area....

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Saturday Results...UPDATED...

turtleman* DKT and Tina Hjeltman (pronounced "Yelt-man") won the 28th edition of the TURTLEMAN this morning. It was the 70th career victory for Thompson. More words and photos to come...T-MAN RESULTS

* Brooks Grossinger became a 7-time NORTHWOODS TRI champ this morning. Michelle Andres won this annual north country classic for the 5th time. More to come...NORTHWOODS RESULTS

(Shoreview Post Photo - Tina Hjeltman finishing a second behind Suzie Finger. Tina, who started after Suzie in the time trial format, was the women's winner.)


David Thompson of St. Paul, MN took first place overall in the Turtleman Duathlon this morning in Shoreview with a total time of 1:24:21. In the womens division Tina Hjeltman of Cambridge, MN took first place with a total time of 1:44:09....

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