Giving Up Was Never an Option....

loisED. - Minneapolis triathlete Lois Nilson is a very private person and is sure to be totally mortified when she learns that MTN has posted this wonderful 2009 article about her. This inspiring story was brought to us on the condition of anonymity by one of Lois' dearest friends. We won't divulge his name, but will say only that it rhymes with "Lerb Hefler."

'I'm not ending it like that'


Staff writer / CDAPress

Woman falls, recovers to be last official finisher

COEUR d'ALENE -- The final minutes and seconds were ticking away as Lois Nilson ran down Sherman Avenue.

Well, tried to run. She was hobbling, hunched over to her right and in tears when she emerged from the darkness, the finish line in sight....

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Good Advice....

money bagsHealth Care and Triathlon

By Dr. Chris Frykman

I was just reading in the news that 2012 is expected to have higher health care costs than 2011. With a continuing trend in that direction, almost half of people polled deferred care in 2011 due to cost. It's a sad reality that some people have to put their health on hold. As an endurance athlete, you understand the impact your health has on your quality of life. But still, things get in the way, right?

Is this an issue for you? I want to help. I've got a few ideas I?d like to share that may help.

First, preventive care is the least expensive way to address health concerns. Think about it. Would it be easier to lose 10 pounds, or just keep it off to begin with? Not to mention preventive care provides a higher quality of life. Again, would you rather eat...

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Training Essentials...


By Bonnie Intrepid

Last week I shared an effective way of carefully selecting races for the next season (LINK). I have had some very positive feedback from a few readers who said that they tried my method and are now not only better at vacuuming the living room but that they too have found that coffee makes them hyper. Great job, athletes!

I will now share how I customize my training plan for maximum results throughout the race year. Pay close attention to the key points as the devil is in the details. I am not sure why he is there or why he doesn

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MTN Pic of the Year...

ang shot

Resolutiony Stuff...

resolutionsBy Warren Peece

Happy New Year - "Hard" resolutions, like resolving to lose a gazillion pounds or not eating chicken wings for a whole month, suck because they invite failure.

That's why I don't do them.

Sure, I want to lose a gazillion pounds (I do NOT want to endure an entire month, even February, without wings!), and truly hope that I will be lighter on 1/1/13 than I am now, but I'm not going to off myself if that doesn't happen.

I am, however, perfectly willing to kick off 2012 with a few "Easy" resolutions, i.e. ones that are almost impossible not to accomplish and therefore invite success. You know, stuff I was going to do anyway.

Here are some of my 2012 Easy Resolutions: ...

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