Spunky Girl...

lou & maryGoing Off Course - Remember that great episode of the Mary Tyler Moore Show when Lou Grant leans across his office desk and says to the insanely effervescent flippy-haired Mary Richards, "You know what? You've got spunk." To this the toothy Richards blushingly replies, "Well, yes..." The frowny faced Grant then gruffly announces, "I HATE SPUNK!"

What a great scene from a great "they-don't-make-'em-like-that-anymore" sitcom.

Let it be known that we here at MTN like spunk! Alot! And

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Lingering Impact & Heavy Make Up...

black swanBlack Swan

by Stephen Bullard

Movie Review - Looking for a feel good movie about transformation and triumph? Black Swan is not it

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Dennis' Journey...

dennis(Photo - Dennis Jabs and his wife Chris. Great people. Great sweaters.)

Excelsior triathlete Dennis Jabs has many dear friends. Doug Boehme is one of them. We were unaware of Dennis' harrowing circumstances until we bumped into Doug at the Woodbury Life Time Fitness. Dennis is Doug's hero and he told us a little bit about this remarkable man.

Thanks, Doug.

Dennis Jabs is now our hero, too....

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Hitler Was Not A Vegetarian..

hitlerNOTE: In our tireless quest to find cool stories, MTN recently stumbled upon this article on a topic that deeply concerns triathletes everywhere: Was Hitler a vegetarian or not? Michael Bluejay "proves" that he was not. Whew! We're glad that's settled.

by Michael Bluejay

* Before we see the evidence that Hitler wasn't a vegetarian, it's important to look at where the argument that he was comes from, because it's an argument that's rarely made honestly. People who insist that Hitler was a vegetarian usually just "heard it" somewhere, and immediately assumed it was true. And yet, if you tell them that Hitler wasn't actually a vegetarian, these same people who instantly believed in Hitler's vegetarianism without question, suddenly demand all manner of proof that he was not....

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Great Moments...

dogTriathlon.competitor.com recently posted their "Top 10 Triathlon Moments of 2010." We stumbled upon this when we were scouring the Internets for cool things to purloin. Before that we found the Gary Larson cartoon displayed here, which made us laugh until the onset of urinary crisis.

But we digress.

The tri website feature was all about pro stuff, of course, but it motivated the damp-trowsered MTN staff, actually we have a "Stafflette," since there are only three of us (not counting a bevy of occasional contributors), to think about the Minnesota's Top 10 Triathlon Moments of 2010. In no particular order, here are four of the coolest things, in our most humble opinions, that happened last season...

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