Confessions of a Daily Chocolate Eater...

jen adamjenWARNING: Some of what you are about to read has been made up.

Going Off Course - Minneapolis triathlete Jen Martone has come a long way. Meeting her today, one would never guess that she spent much of her childhood living in a Maytag carton on the property line of the Webb's enormous backyard in Yonkers, New York. A childless older couple, Manfred and Edith Webb were happy to donate the cardboard apartment that Jen shared with her brother Adam (photo L) as long as the children never came into their house and did their toileting in neighboring yards....

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Du-ing It Better...

marloMMA History Stuff - Today's installment, the 3rd in the History series, looks back at the past winners of the Duathlete of the Year awards.

Our state's all-time most successful run-bike-runner is Kristin Miller, who won the DOY an unprecedented four times and would have picked up another 7-8 trophy's had these awards been available in the 90s, a decade in which she was twice crowned US Duathlete of the Year ('94 & '95, we think?).

Kris left the sport after the 2004 season, her knees almost devoid of soft tissue. She then took up rowing (photo below R) and as she did in multisports, quickly developed into a national-class performer. Check out her awesome guns, delts and lats!...

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Black Friday Stuff...


"Kick-off the holiday season with over $3500 of savings on products from Zipp, Profile Design, Lazer, Trek and others. Many of our most popular triathlon and cycling products will be on sale at incredible prices! Visit www.gearwestbike.com for more details. Sale prices will be posted starting Wednesday, November 26th."

Here's a wee sampling of the consummately cool stuff that will have drastically reduced prices...

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Cotton Candy Nerves...

bonnieBy Bonnie Siegel

When I was released from the ICU and cleared to go down to the regular part of the hospital, I asked the nurse if I could walk there instead of laying on the gurney. With guarded approval, the staff watched as I gingerly got out of my hospital bed and slowly made my way to the elevator, two IV's and a heart rate monitor in my wake. When I arrived on the 5th floor the welcoming nurses said they had never seen anyone walk down from ICU.

"Triathletes tri harder." I said with a smile.

As triathletes we push ourselves harder than 99% of the general population. We swim in lakes that harbor Lochness monsters ...

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Wonderful Baby Stuff...

Newborn KaiaThe lovely Maria Vu Wieneke, wife of MTN's Darin Wieneke gave birth to the couple's first child on Tuesday morning. Daughter Kaia, all 21" and 7' 14 oz. of her, and mom are doing splendidly. Unlike Jenny Sartain, whose difficult labor lasted almost two weeks, Maria barely had time to don her fashionable backless gown and lay down before Kaia transitioned from "in there" to "out here."

Maria is obviously not the over-protective type. Note that she is already allowing her newborn to play with scissors....

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