Race Coverage

Channeling Kristin Wiig...

juliaIronman Wisconsin Race Report: 26.2 Friends

By Julia Weisbecker (http://julia-gobiggreen.blogspot.com/)

Before I get to any race report I have to give myself a huge fashion high five ( HFHF) for putting together a functional yet cool outfit in a chilly morning race. Thanks to Angela for the socks. Everyone now run to Target and get a pair of your own. Ok on to the race.

It's no surprise this Ironman was a bit different than last year. For obvious reasons i struggled this year. The physical struggle of basically dropping out of racing in early june to rest and fix a hamstring tendonopathy was a huge decision, the right one, but very tough for me. I wish i could have St. Croix 70.3 back ( without the rain but with lance!) and with a healthy body. So putting all my eggs in one basket was tough. The IM basket. I was right on pace with riding and swimming all summer. Running took another hit ( literally) when after Firehouse 50 i played Humpty Dumpty and fell over at the finish...

Oh i needed to clip out? I had booties on so i couldnt get out of my shoes likei normally do in a tri. wopsy. That led to reactive tendonitis in my hip and i ran both my long runs ( yes , just 2) with excruciating pain off my greater trochanter ( your hip bone). Eventually we did an xray, no need to break a hip. It was clear ( THANKGOD) but the inflammation in that area was not going away with massage/celebrex/ice. We decided 10 days out to inject it. There are too many turn arounds at Wisconsin and one of the things that really hurt was turning left on my left leg to turn around 180 deg. Like every 2 miles you do that in Madison.

I got 2 lidocaine shots and 2 coritsone shots to the deep hip rotators ( those are deeep!) ouch. I was in alot of pain labor day weekend and just kept faith it was the insult of the shots. It was. I was fine a few days later, but that was close. i had not a hint of hip pain race day. Cortisone isnt for everyday use but it sure does work if the biomechanics are right and you arent re-irritating it daily. I HOPED that it would work since it was the fall on my hip that started it. Ok. So you see that i had a great MD: Patient relationship this year. I am so lucky my MD is here for me. I love her:) too much maybe! READ MORE
