Race Coverage

"At Least it Didn't Snow"....


OAKDALE DUATHLON XIV - "Holy buckets!" Mike Buenting exclaimed, then added with equal exuberance, "I can't feel my fingers!" He had just finished 2nd at yesterday's Oakdale Du and his frozen, gnarled hands were useless. Like many of the 136 folks who braved the frosty conditions (temps in 30s with wind chill knocking it back into the 20s), Mike had lost valuable time in transition trying to snap (T1) then unsnap (T2) his helmet....


Mike wasn't complaining, though. Like race volunteer, Gregg Garrettson, who had a hip replaced recently, Mike's not a complainer. He agreed with Gregg's "glass half full" assessment: "At least it didn't snow."

It was very grey and very cold and very windy. T'was not a day when records get broken and most were happy to come within a few minutes of their previous bests on this course. One guy, however, managed to go "crazy fast." Wade Cruser, who won last week's Cinco Du Mayo Long Course Du by a ton, won yesterday's race by two tons. His final time was a circumstantially extraordinary 1:02:07, which is the 2nd fastest amateur clocking in race history. Only two-time US Duathlete of the Year Matt Payne has gone faster (1:00:54), and he did so under very favorable conditions (clear, 55-60 degrees) in 2014.


Larry Hosch predicted that Wade Cruser would emerge as a multisport star in 2016. We don't disagree.

Rounding out the Top 3 for the guys was Andy Wiberg, whose 1:08:25 put him only 20 seconds behind Buenting.

Stout AG efforts were turned in by Pete Rainey, 48 (4th overall / 1:09:02) and Brit Rob Madgwick, 51 (8th / 1:11:38). This was Madgwick's third consecutive AG win this year, and his second straight top 10 effort. Oakdale was Rainey's second race of the season. He also won his division at Falls Du, where he placed 7th overall.

Pre-race fave Jenn Scudiero won for the women. Patient and confident throughout, Jenn tailed eventual runner-up Manuela Knispel during the opening leg, a 2.8ish mile run. On the bike she did do that voodoo that she do so well. Her two minute lead off the bike grew by another minute in the final leg. She now has 13 du victories in her career.

Both Scuderio and Knispel are nationally recognized duathletes. Jenn was the 2013 National Champ and Duathlete of the Year, and in 2015 was named DOY Honorable Mention. Knispel, 44, was a Master DOY Honorable Mention last year.

Lindsey Marshall took 3rd in the women's race, but another Lindsay--Lindsay Nauen--deserves lots of love and recognition, too. If you were at the race, you may have seen her, but we doubt that you recognized her. Over the last year, Lindsey has lost 117 pounds, and tri-ing and du-ing has played a major role in that. Very cool, huh!  RESULTS


Photo R - Lindsay Nauen before losing 117-pounds. We apologize for not having an "after" shot. Take our word for it, Lindsay looks awesome!
