Race Coverage

Another Du Victory for Jenny...

Park Tool "Fall Classic" Duathlon RESULTS

To be continued...

Prayers, Tears & Muttering...

bonnieIronman Wisconsin Race Report - By Bonnie Rockstar

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Not Hung Up On That Last Name Thing...

man & womanRace Coverage - Sort of - MTN has just received results from last weekend's MSU Fall Sprint Triathlon, a cozy low-key event that bookends with the University's spring tri.

How's this for low-key: The race had 42 finishers and was won by Ben B. and Amanda K. That's right, the results did not include last names. (photo - Taken at the awards ceremony. Amanda is on the left.)

We think it's cool that this event isn't "hung up on that last name thing." Seriously. We totally mean it. There is no insult intended here...

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imwi2222 15:54:31 Adam Don M40-44 357/399

1458 13:43:47 Adams Brett M35-39 225/352

652 12:08:30 Albright Bob M45-49 73/283

502 11:48:26 Anderson Matt M30-34 91/293

1919 14:48:46 Anderson Eric M18-24 69/85

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imwi2222 15:54:31 Adam Don M40-44 357/399

1458 13:43:47 Adams Brett M35-39 225/352

652 12:08:30 Albright Bob M45-49 73/283

502 11:48:26 Anderson Matt M30-34 91/293

1919 14:48:46 Anderson Eric M18-24 69/85

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Machetes, Speedos & A Mustard Shortage...

j & JKinda Like Race Coverage - "Last Sunday, we posted this teaser about the 4th annual Burrito Union 5 & 10-Hour Triathlons: UPDATE #5: Yesterday's Burrito Union 5 & 10 Hour Triathlon was a totally cool event, full of fun, excitement and more than a little weirdness. Bear sightings, a totally hot Honduran woman using a machete to make PB & J sandwiches, three guys in speedos, the ipodded head-banging music of Matt Payne's band--Align--rocked a halfa-thousand sets of eardrums.

"A significant percentage of the male participants were unshaven, causing a vaporous chimera of testosterone to hang fog over the venue. Tents and beach chairs were everywhere and un-recommendable quantities of grain beverages were consumed. Entrants hoovered hotdogs and burgers at an alarming rate, forcing one diligent volunteer to run out on not one but TWO occasions to procure condiments. Imagine, if you will, 20 beautiful grill-striped sizzling burgers, 20 open and empty buns waiting on paper plates, AND NO MUSTARD! Mutinies were averted and the..

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