
Stuff About Starting Good Habits...


By Susan Lacke (triathlon.competitor.com)

Establish these now to come back even stronger next year.

Whatever it is you’ve resolved to do differently next season—be it weekly strength training or a vegan diet—needs to begin now. The oft-repeated rule of thumb is that a new habit requires 21 days of conscious practice before it becomes automatic. Researchers, however, have found that effectively establishing habits actually take more time than that—an average of 66 days of consistent practice, to be exact....

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Why Kids Should Do Triathlons...

kid-finish.gifBy Mary Ryerse (usatriathlon.org)
(This article was originally published on Getting Smart.)

We’ve heard the story too many times – the kid who gets cut from a team never tries out again, or worse, shies away from physical activities altogether.

How about writing a different ending to that story – one that is actually a beginning? Tony Schiller did. He was cut from seven different teams as a kid only to become a six-time world champion amateur triathlete and a finalist for USA Triathlon’s Triathlete of the Year award....

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Minnesota's Destination Triathlon...

t-man-duluthies.gifPhoto - Hearty partiers from Duluth after T-Man '14. Matt Evans (bottom row, second from right) was their designated driver.
Registration for several 2016 Minnesota multisport races is already open. Recently, we received an email from Amy Dettmer. Do you know her? She's really nice. She is also the co-director of the Timberman Triathlon.
Registration is open for the 2016 Timberman Triathlon to be held at Sugar Lake Lodge in Cohasset on July 9...

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Tight Pants & Pith...

PITHY-STUFF.gifBy Michelle Andres (teamandresjourney.blogspot.com)

Ironman Wisconsin Race Report - I believe we all have time for what we want to have time for.  With that being said….it’s been a long time between part two and now part three.  The race feels so long ago and maybe part of the reason it feels so long ago is how tight my jeans are.  Race shape leaves quickly when eating too much pizza with 5 teenage boys and baking cookies.  I thought I better post the rest of my blog dealing with Ironman Wisconsin since my head has already moved on to ideas of a new blog post and adventures for Team Andres.  I’m getting the blog post done Thanksgiving afternoon while everyone is napping or hunting.  

Part three… The RACE
If I would have listened to my bike numbers or run paces at IM Wisconsin I’m pretty sure I would not have been the first female to cross the finishing tape. I did what I could in the swim with my fitness and swim ability.  However, on the bike I rode harder than I probably should have – given my ...

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The Men's Team...


MINNESOTA MULTISPORT AWARDS - This is our final 2015 MMA post. Today we attempt to explain the men's TEAM MINNESOTA rankings. 2014 rankings are in parentheses. Remember, athletes are ranked on their 2015 resumes, not their careers and reputations....

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