
Got Elephant Skin?...

skinBy Ben Greenfield (For Trifuel.com)

If you're like me, you care about your skin looking healthy and good. Frankly the state of skin health scares me when I go to a marathon or a triathlon, or spend time with folks who have been "outdoorsy" much of their lives.

It's like looking at a wrinkled elephant face.

Do people who exercise outdoors just not care about the way their skin is going look when they're 50, 60 or 70?

I personally don't plan on any modeling contracts with cologne manufacturers when I'm that age, but I would prefer that my face and skin not look as much like a dried, ugly prune as many of the faces I've seen at endurance races and outdoor sporting events....

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Doing Something Right...

chaseRace Preview - After its successful debut in 2010, organizers of the Chase the Police Triathlon decided to raise their event's enrollment ceiling. Last year's race, with its 300-participant limit, filled early. This year's race will have 400 entrants and has been full for several weeks.

Officer / Race Director Jesse LeBlanc and his crew must be doing something right, eh?

As in '10, Wave #1 will consist entirely of law enforcement personnel, hence the "Chase the Police" motif. Last year, 22 civilian male triathletes and 18 civilian female triathletes managed to beat their gender's first Tri-Cop to the finish line....

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Waseca - A Place With Lots of Cool Stuff...


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More Chisago Half Stuff...

Michelle* MIA MICHELLE - Liberty Half winner Michelle Andres (photo L) was one of the favorites to win at Chisago last Sunday. Curious about her DNF, MTN contacted her on Monday, via e-mail.

- MTN - Michelle, what happened? Are you okay?

- MA - I'm fine. Thanks for asking. The swim was ok...got lost in the fog, but didn't lose much time. Bike was ok. I pulled my hamstring over the winter and really have to baby it. I don't think I've ever completely healed it. I rarely ride my bike this summer. The only time I ride is when I do a race or with my tri class I help run. I know myself well enough that if I started the run I would push through and probably make it worse. I have to remember and remind myself that triathlon is only cross training this summer for the marathon (ED. Michelle's gunning for a Sub-3 at TCM in October), so I called it a day when I got back to T2. Always hard to do, but it was probably best.

- MTN- We admire your prudence. What position were you in when you arrived in T2?...

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Birth of a Classic...

swim(All great photos displayed herein were provided by photo paragons, Paul Phillips and gimpy Kerry Yndestad)

TwinCities Tri Coverage - Paul's and Kerry's photos are stunning. Not just visually arresting, but transportative, as well! Okay, transportative is not a real word, but you know what we're going for here. We're sure that if 30 Rock's Tina Fey were shown those digital photo albums, she doubtlessly would have wanted, as we totally did, to "go to there."

PLEASE check out at the photos on OptumHealth Performance's and TCTri Director Kris Swarthout's Facebook pages (Paul's competitiveimage.us SHOTS and Kerry's YndeCam.com PICS) and let us know if you, like us, were sorry you weren't at this Instant Classic event last Sunday. Reading the FB comments will only intensify the pangs.

Coach Kris was positively giddy after the event. Though his babbling was unintelligible, obviously adulterated by endorphins and 151-Mojitos, his drift was clear. The future of the TwinCities Triathlon is supernova-ishly bright. What 300-or-so athletes enjoyed a few days ago, many thousands will enjoy the years to come. A four-figure field should be expected in 2012. By 2013, triathletes from all over the country will be clamoring to get in....

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